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962 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Mária Košťálová, Bratislava
- Mgr. Vladimír Hemala, Jalovec
- Mgr. Imrich Hybký, Bratislava
- Andrea Belková, Brezno
- Karel Ruzicka, Ivanka pri Dunaji
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
981 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Monika Noskova,Bratislava
- Zuzana Hvaťová,Bardejov
- Igor Bukový,Šaľa
- Paulína Klottonová,Bratislava
- Marián Čurlej,Bytča
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Ďakujeme za podporu.
3524 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Vladimír,Pečeňák,Humenné
- Vladimír,P,Humenné
- Pavla,Zelenková,Prachatcie
- Pavol,Martinický,Bratislava
- Rudolf,Nagy,Rovinka
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Hromadnú pripomienku VIA IURIS k novele stavebného zákona podporili:
1043 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Branislav Moňok, Košice
- Róbert Košút, Zvolen
- Lukáš Molčani, Brezno
- Katarína Puchá, Košice
- Mária Drobcová, Bratislava
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Pripomienka verejnosti k Vodnému plánu Slovenska - podáva Združenie Slatinka
1206 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Peter Kršjak, Žiar nad Hronom
- Marián Janček, Dolný Kubín
- Miloš Planieta, Tvrdošín
- Marián Janček, Dolný Kubín
- Michal Hrk, Martin
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Pripomienka verejnosti k Vodnému plánu Slovenska - podáva Slovenský rybársky zväz - Rada Žilina
6818 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jarmila Cihová, Bratislava,
- erik benko, poprad,
- Miroslav Sedilek, Svit,
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1091 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Katarína Šatalová, Vráble,
- Anikó Žilinčárová, Bratislava,
- Silvester Cernansky, Bratislava,
- Branislav Líška, Bratislava,
- Jana Mokošová, Krupina,
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2492 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Mário Lüttmerding, Prešov
- Zuzana Ballová, Bobrovec
- Jarmila Belicka, Presov
- Martina Bukovská, Mgr., Smilno
- Karel Schneider, Čkyně
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK pre ochranu Polonín!
829 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tomáš Turčina,Dolný Kubín
- Igor Halgaš,Banská Bystrica
- Lenka Kolníková,Prešov
- Darina Žoldošová,Leopoldov
- Koloman Prónay,Bratislava
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku združenia Slatinka
926 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Juraj Macas, Povina
- Juraj Kopčík, Prešov
- Marián Surničin, Papín
- Branislav Jenčo, Prešov
- Michal Sýkora, Nitra
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku združenia AROPANE k zákonu EIA
3421 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Anna D., Tomášovce
- Barbora K., Hrochoť
- Ľubomír H., Banka
- Maria �., Vrútky
- Ľubica F., Bratislava
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Podporte petíciu za urýchlenie výstavby diaľnice medzi Bratislavou a Košicami
4705 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- James S., Los Angeles, FL
- James S., Los Angeles, NH
- James S., Los Angeles, OR
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
5016 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- James S., Los Angeles, ND
- James S., Los Angeles, AR
- James S., Los Angeles, MD
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2377 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Erik Fuchs, Kosice
- Vlasta Cukorová, Liptovský Hrádok
- Gabriela Galvánková, Banská Bystrica
- Jaroslav Keniž, Bratislava
- Barbora Lošonská, Závod
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku VIA IURIS k novele zákona o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie!
1381 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jozef Ištvanec, Dolná Krupá
- michal Činčár, Košice
- Gabriela Galvánková, Banská Bystrica
- Peter Hrabčák, Košice
- Renáta Pástorová, Košice
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2056 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- miloš Šerý, Beluša
- Jana Glazerova, Dubnica nad Váhom
- Viktor Pohunek, Bratislava
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1374 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Peter Dvorcak, Stropkov,
- Jaromír Moravčík, Špačince,
- Jaromír Moravčík, Špačince,
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK
798 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ivan Šustr, Oravská Polhora
- Jarmila Čermáková, Zvolenská Slatina
- Evald Čermák, Zvolenská Slatina
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku k vodnému zákonu
11708 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Slávka Svozilová, Košice
- Petra Harasem, Michalovce
- Marián Zamborský, Dubovany
- Peter Marek, Brezno
- Tereza Kvasničková, Kraslice
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Hromadná pripomienka lesy UNESCO
13675 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jana Hlubocká, Bratislava
- jara zimek, Dubnica Nad Vahom
- Zuzana Kelecsényiová, Podbrezová-Lopej
- Marian Ivacno, Bratislava
- michaela Suhajová, Bratislava 3
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
938 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Alena Košnárová, Nové Mesto nad Váhom
- jan salgo, partizanske
- jan salgo, partizanske
- Dana Navarová, Pezinok
- Katarína Sedláková, Bratislava
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
750 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Lenka Matejovicova, Bratislava
- Jana Rohonova, Bratislava
- Zuzana Kerekretyova, Bratislava
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
758 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Anna Daníková, Tomášovce
- Eva Kališová, Zvolen
- Božena Mikušová, Detva
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Hromadná pripomienka SUCHO
4275 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- František Franko, Nitra
- ladislav adamus, Prievidza
- RADKO MACUHA, Bratislava
- Bibiana Haynes, Vranov nad Toplou
- Peter Gabriš, Bratislava
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
433 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- pavel mikovič, handlová
- Tomáš Benetin, Košice
- Rastislav Petrík, Bratislava
- Marian Kupec, Bratislava
- Daniel Hoštacký, Beluša
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
949 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Rudolf Lukačka, Horné Hámre
- Edita Bednarova, Prievidza
- Pavel Stotka, Kľačno
- Peter Birka, Kanianka
- Hedviga Vozáriková, Opatovce nad Nitrou
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2278 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Maria Grezdova, Bratislava
- Pavel Janik, Bratislava - Vrakuna
- Erika Romanova, Bratislava
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Podporte Petíciu obyvateľov bývajúcich v okolí Slovnaftu, ktorí sú priamo dotknutí neustálym hlukom a zápachom zo Slovnaftu!
507 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Miloš Mačura, Bratislava
- Ľuboš Žiak, Bratislava
- Eduard Duda, Bratislava
- Ján Siculiak, Bratislava
- Martin Plško, Bratislava
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Podporte petíciu za vytvorenie nového parku v Petržalke
3814 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Marek Madunický, Šterusi
- Miloslav Kučera, Trnava
- David Hauser, Piešťany
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
2347 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Marieta Senčarová, Košice
- Lucia Jendželovská, Tichý Potok
- juraj Vozar, Lipt.Mikulas
- Matej Kvassay, Trnava
- Eva Maďarova, Podunajske Biskupic
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
7936 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Patrícia Popierová, Zvolen
- Peter Lamačka, Cachtice
- Lýdia Kňazovičová, Liptovský Mikuláš - Okoličné
- anna zubrikova, Limbach
- Martina Mužíková, Kysucke Nove Mesto
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK a Aropaňe!
1881 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jozef Molnar, Ulany Nad Zitavou
- Alena Drozdekova, Čadca
- Katarina Šulková, Bratislava
- Mira Ďurkovičová, Liptovský Mikuláš
- Zuzana Ondrušová, Ivanka pri Dunaji
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
988 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Martina Svoreňová, Rimavská Sobota
- Tamara Reháčková, Bratislava
- Jaroslav Štulajter, Brezno
- Ivan Motlík, Sekule
- Juraj Kostúrik, Banská Bystrica
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
30415 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Sára Hrašková, Martin
- Katarína Komorová, Ružomberok
- Mikuláš Sliacky, Bratislava
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2109 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ilona Jurová, Ivanovice na Hané
- Sofie Skřipská, Dub nad Moravou
- Kristýna Gonšorová, Krnov
- Dana Masná, Litovel
- Hana Cibulková, Karlštejn
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
786 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ľuboš Vajda,Nededza
- Martina Drozdová,Bojnice
- Ivana Rouseková,Ružomberok
- Veronika Pobehova,Bratislava
- Julius Sabik,Cerveny Hradok
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${sender_first} ${sender_last},${sender_city}
1891 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Michal Gábriš, Žiar nad Hronom
- Peter Vittek, Bratislava
- Emanuel Lázok, Košice
- Ivana Mišíková, Mokrance
- Sofia Štetiarová, Prievidza
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
995 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
3327 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
3503 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
52871 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
71367 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Katarína Karšňákova, Michalovce
- Michal Mechír, Lastomír
- Mária Kušnírová, Kusín
- Ing.Zuzana Krajníková, Kamenica nad Cirochou
- Juraj ĎURINA, Prievidza
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK!
23890 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Robert Olejar, Bratislava
- Katarína Perná, Žibritov
- Magdalena Moravcova, Zilina
- Richard Nagy, Košice
- Martina Husárová, Košice
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
801 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tomáš Polák, Červeník
- Jaroslav Chmurovič, Zborov
- Edita Vysna, Liptovský Mikuláš
- Anetta Ilčínová, Košice - Západ
- Veronika Bekeová, Košice
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
839 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Veronika Amaya Lael Sabol, Humenné
- Martin Fúsek, Bratislava
- Vladimír Moravčík, Terchová
- Zuzana Jakubčíková, Levice
- Margita Drinková, Vozokany, okr. Galanta
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2210 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Dalibor Hlucháň, Bratislava
- Zuzana Soha, Šenkvice
- Lukáš Soha, Šenkvice
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2198 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Monika Töröková, Košice
- Michaela Lajchová, Košeca
- Martin Chrapčiak, Liptovský Mikuláš
- Jana Šebová, Liptovský Hrádok
- Jakub Šimek, Pezinok
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
19303 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Marián Jasík, Banská Bystrica
- Lukáš Medveď, Valaská Piesok
- Rastislav Sentivan, Pcoline
- Branislav Hatala, Likavka
- Paula Gallova, Kvašov
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1463 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tomas Belokostolsky, Zavar
- Andrea Čepíková, Bratislava
- Jozef Kubáni, Tatranská Štrba
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1301 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jana Jacková, Bratislava
- Michal Holoda, Bratislava
- Tomáš Kravec, Bardejov
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
11846 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Juliána Bohinská, Kružlov
- Zuzana Baranovičová, Horné Zelenice
- Lukas Bacik, Zilina
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