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962 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Viera Satinská, Bratislava
- Mgr Miroslava Rohacova, Bratislava
- Martina Meňhart, Prievidza
- Betka Plachá, Bratislava
- Ing Alena Brtáňová, Liptovský Mikuláš
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
981 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Martina Meňhart,Prievidza
- Ladislav Hamarčak,Stropkov
- Mária Hrabkovská,Poprad
- Slavomir Ziak,Bernolákovo
- Lucia Strelková,Topoľčany
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Ďakujeme za podporu.
3524 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Miriama,Pĺžová,Spišská Nová Ves
- Alena,Kleinova,Piešťany
- Martina,Meňhart,Prievidza
- Peter,Lajda,Bratislava
- Ivan,Sukuba,Valaliky
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Hromadnú pripomienku VIA IURIS k novele stavebného zákona podporili:
1043 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- JimmiXzSq YNckixRxxUSBuXbXHVG, New York
- Barnypok VVfemxjlTnVHIV, New York
- Barnypok wFWWLvgVpYHes, New York
- JimmiXS zMQGDdRQbN, New York
- Eva Sarkoziova, Bratislava
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Pripomienka verejnosti k Vodnému plánu Slovenska - podáva Združenie Slatinka
1206 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jana Lorinczová, Bratislava
- Pavol Mikloš, Bratislava
- JimmiXzSq MckMzlacPSII, New York
- Tomáš Maslen, Žarnovica
- Eva Maslenova, Žarnovica
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Pripomienka verejnosti k Vodnému plánu Slovenska - podáva Slovenský rybársky zväz - Rada Žilina
6818 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ľudovít Kukorelli, Nesvady,
- Zuzana Kmetova, Lieskovec,
- Ľudmila Servanská, Hurbanovo,
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1091 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tomáš Karol, Bardejov,
- Juraj Mišura, Bratislava,
- Jana Tučeková, Žilina,
- Monika Ondrovičová, Bratislava,
- Boris Burdiliak, Bratislava,
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2492 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tomáš Karol, Bardejov
- Diana Olejárová, Košice
- Ivan Rumanka, Bratislava
- Marieta Senčarová, Košice
- Slávka Svozilová, Košice
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK pre ochranu Polonín!
829 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Lucia Krištofíková,Trnava
- Dušan Bevilaqua,Spišská Nová Ves
- Dušan Bevilaqua,Spišská Nová Ves
- Michal Oravec,Bratislava
- Martina Vajdova,Bratislava
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku združenia Slatinka
926 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Tatiana Arbe, Bratislava 5
- Mária Pavlovská, Smilno
- milos kucsera, košice
- Štefan Klimčo mladší, Kapušany pri Prešove
- Peter Droblienka, Raslavice
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku združenia AROPANE k zákonu EIA
3421 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Martin K., Žilina
- Ján B., Košice
- Mária P., Podolinec
- Ján S., Kežmarok
- Jan �., Tvrdošín
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Podporte petíciu za urýchlenie výstavby diaľnice medzi Bratislavou a Košicami
4705 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Corina V., Orrick, MT
- James S., Los Angeles, NE
- James S., Los Angeles, TX
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5016 signatures so far
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- James S., Los Angeles, WV
- James S., Los Angeles, NC
- James S., Los Angeles, LA
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2377 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Valentín Švidroň, Košice
- Július Oláh, Bratislava
- Matin Slenker, Spišská Nová Ves
- Lucia Strelková, Topoľčany
- Romana Uhrinová, Revúca
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku VIA IURIS k novele zákona o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie!
1381 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Katarína Ballayová,
- Renata Puterova, Handlova
- Pavol Putera, Handlova
- Jarmila Puterova, Opatovce nad Nitrou
- Sandra KADAROVA, Opatovce nad Nitrou
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
2056 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Mária Jurigová, Bratislava
- Marián Zamborský, Dubovany
- Tomáš Mačák, Skalica
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
1374 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Róbert Péter, Viničné,
- Andrea Chabadová, Očová,
- Marián Zamborský, Dubovany,
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK
798 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Marián Zamborský, Dubovany
- Dagmar Tinková, Borinka
- Stanislav Tinka, Borinka
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku k vodnému zákonu
11708 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Zuzana Domotorová, Horné Saliby
- Dávid Hrežík, Belá nad Cirochou
- Juraj Farkaš, Zalužice
- Gréta Selucká, Bánovce nad Bebravou
- Milota Čutková, Istebné
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Hromadná pripomienka lesy UNESCO
13675 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Stanislav Hudac, Abrahámovce
- Róbert Mihály, Březí
- Emilia Kedzierska, Bratislava
- Silvia Miháliková, Bratislava
- Stanislava Goldgruberova, Piestany
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
938 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Nina Valocká, Žabokreky
- Ján Baranovský, Dulova Ves - Vlčie Doly
- Vladimír Kocurek, Košice
- Maria Bakošova, Bratislava
- Jena Šimková, Bratislava
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
750 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Bc. Lucia Černáková, Slepcany
- Martin Dojcak, Bratislava
- Marián Zamborský, Dubovany
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758 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ivana Mochorovská, Michalovce
- Erika Markusová, Báhoň
- Dana Vargová, Bratislava
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Hromadná pripomienka SUCHO
4275 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jozef Podmanický, Bratislava
- PETER JEŽKO, Bratislava
- Peter Longovič, Bratislava
- Michal Pecho, Slovenský Grob
- Lenka Pechová, Bratislava
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
433 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Ján Sedlák, Bratislava - Petržalka
- zuzana kmetova, Lieskovec
- Ivana Piatrová, Levice
- Judix IorgYtpzPMPF, New York
- Viktor Krajč, Brezno
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
949 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- jozef Karas, Prievidza
- Mária Nechalová, Prievidza
- Dusan Schnierer, Kanianka
- Gabriela Leitmanová, Prievidza
- Michal Némethy, Prievidza
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2278 signatures so far
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- Matúš Michal Strelec, Bratislava 1
- Martina Sojkova, Bratislava
- Jana Surovcikova, Podunajske Biskupice
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Podporte Petíciu obyvateľov bývajúcich v okolí Slovnaftu, ktorí sú priamo dotknutí neustálym hlukom a zápachom zo Slovnaftu!
507 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Zuzana Šťastná, Bratislava
- Sidónia Hlinková, Topoľčianky
- Alexandra Pelikanova, Pwtrzalka
- michal sabadoš, bratislava
- eva krchnava, bratislava
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Podporte petíciu za vytvorenie nového parku v Petržalke
3814 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Slávka Kubošová, Nižná
- Marianna Cibulova, Nova Ves nad Vahom
- Adrián Zajaček, Mojš
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${sender_first} ${sender_last}, ${sender_city}
2347 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Vladislav Amrein, Uhrovec
- mária skvaridlová, Žatec
- mária skvaridlová, snina
- Jakub Zibura, Prešov
- Oľga Krištofíková, Turany
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
7936 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Jozef Uhlík, Bratislava - Staré Mesto
- Juraj Marušiak, Bratislava
- Marek Prosba, Handlová
- Monika Drgalova, Pezinok
- Lenka Královská, Michalovce
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK a Aropaňe!
1881 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Hedviga Samekova, Piaštany
- Hedviga Samekova, Piaštany
- Viera Marková, Bratislava
- Jela Marková, Žilina
- Katarína Sovjaková, Košice
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
988 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Silvia Zvarová, Bratislava
- Radoslav Harvan, Trebišov
- Stanislav Tinka, Borinka
- Beňadik Machciník, Brvnište
- Vladimír Pečeňák, Topoľovka 67
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30415 signatures so far
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- Štefan Szigeti, Trnava
- Milan Greň, Košice
- jozef matlovic, zohor
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2109 signatures so far
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- Merziuz CWiBaelupKsY, New York
- Silvia Zvarová, Bratislava
- Mario Vaško, Prešov
- Ivana Mrvová, Hoste
- Mária Neupauerová, Hôrka pri Poprade
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786 signatures so far
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- mwbtivksef xggxwkknms,Los Angeles
- Anton Belan,Bratislava
- Marián Hutlas,Veličná
- Matej Korec,Lovčica-Trubín
- Petra Slimáková,Poprad
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${sender_first} ${sender_last},${sender_city}
1891 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Merziuziy yaTRIYqCzF, New York
- Kristína Tomová, Bratislava
- Vladimit Harajda, Svaty Jur
- Frantisek Achilles, Borinka
- Ľubomíra Dzúriková, Liptovský Mikuláš
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Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
995 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
3327 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
3503 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
52871 signatures so far
Petition the bad guys to stop doing bad things! By adding your name to our list, you'll be joining the growing chorus of good guys saying 'Enough's enough!'
71367 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Michaela Uvirova, Šarišské Bohdanovce
- Jana Melichárková, Bratislava-Staré Mesto
- František Cehula, Praha 12
- Jacková Jana, Bratislava
- Martin Rusinko, Becherov
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Podporte hromadnú pripomienku LZ VLK!
23890 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Maria Zajacová, Bratislava
- Kristina Kluvanek, Bratislava
- Adriana Szabo, Bratislava
- Ján Svoboda, Žilina
- Lenka Kadlečíková, Žilina
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801 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Peter Adamov, Košice
- Róbert Andrášik, Košice
- Antónia Tomková, Nižný Klátov
- Judita Smajdová, Košice
- Eva Balajtiová, Košice
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839 signatures so far
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- andrea kršková, nitra
- Lívia Ďuricová, Sereď
- Marian Chovan, Presov
- Alena Kokavcová, Poprad
- Juraj Rusňák, Topoľčany
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2210 signatures so far
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- Dušan Majer, Kriváň
- Tomas Kocis, Presov
- Marta Jančušová, Liptovský Ondrej
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2198 signatures so far
Latest signatures
- Igor ŠALLAI, Levice
- Ivan Burčík, Košice
- Michal Štrba, Svätoplukovo
- Maria Schieberova, Bratislava
- Matej Bulko, Podolie
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19302 signatures so far
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- Janka Petrovicova, Bratislava
- Petra Majchráková, Žilina
- Andrea Domin, Praha
- Jana Juhásová, Bratislava
- Hanka Trenčanská, obec Borová
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1463 signatures so far
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- Zuzana Kovačovičová, Štiavnické Bane
- Marek Hrdý, Michalovce
- Stanislav Pamula, Spišská Nová Ves
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1301 signatures so far
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- Michal Fapšo, Piešťany
- Jarmila Luptáková, Bratislava
- Zlatica Hlucháňová, Bratislava
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11846 signatures so far
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- Lenka Porubská, Cabaj- Čápor
- Gabriela Vasiľová, Baška
- Gabriela Vasiľová, Baška
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